5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer
In this article, I will discuss many symptoms of breast cancer with you. According to the type of breast cancer you have, you may experience …
In this article, I will discuss many symptoms of breast cancer with you. According to the type of breast cancer you have, you may experience …
An abnormal growth or division of cells in the pancreas leads to pancreatic cancer. Located near the spine, the pancreas produces digestive enzymes deep in …
The incidence of hereditary breast cancer ranges from 5%–10%. Through genomic testing advances, other high penetrance susceptibility genes have also been identified, though mutations in …
During the development of stomach cancer, cancer cells form within the stomach lining. Tumors can be formed from these cells. The disease, also known as …
(colorectal cancer) कोलोरेक्टल क्यान्सर एक प्रकारको क्यान्सर हो जुन colon (ठूलो आन्द्रा) र rectum (मलाशय)मा हुन्छ। कोलोरेक्टल क्यान्सर प्रायः गैर-क्यान्सर polyps (कोशिकाहरूको झुण्डहरू)को रूपमा सुरु …
During a mastectomy, a breast and surrounding tissues are surgically removed. In the past, breast cancer was treated with a radical mastectomy, which involved removing …
Women are most likely to develop breast cancer, but men can also develop the disease. Men account for about 1 out of every 100 cases …
पित्त थैलीको क्यान्सरले (gall bladder cancer) प्रारम्भिक स्टेजमा कुनै (symptoms) लक्षण नदेखाउन सक्छ। जब यो पत्ता लाग्छ तब ट्यूमर नजिकैका अंगहरू र लिम्फ नोडहरूमा वा …
If you want to avoid risk of Breast cancer, then you should have Breast cancer diet plan. You may benefit from a healthy diet in …
Most types of breast cancer are treated with breast cancer surgery. The removal of a tumor can be done by either a mastectomy or a …