Causes of Pancreatic cancer

In this article, we will discuss about causes of pancreatic cancer . It is a gland that lies between the stomach and spine that produces hormones required to control blood sugar and enzymes that aid in digestion such as insulin.

The growth of cancerous and noncancerous cells in the pancreas can result in different types of cancers or tumors. Of which the most common usually begins in the cells that line ducts that carry digestive enzymes. However, if detected at early stages cancer can be mostly curable.

There is a several factor that causes pancreatic cancer:

Age: The major risk factor of pancreatic cancer is age and the risk increases with age. The ages between 60 to 80 years of age are at greater risk of developing this cancer. Additionally, it is uncommon in the age group under 40 yet there is some case where the young age group can also suffer pancreatic cancer. The reason behind this could be a certain risk factor of radiation therapy during childhood.

Genetics: Genes play an important role in tumor formation. The genetic mutation increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. The risk increases with several inherited cancer syndromes. Furthermore, a family history of pancreatic cancer increases the risk of developing one.

Smoking: smoking increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. The risk is higher in those who smoke more cigarettes during their lifetime. As smoking is associated with risks, if one lowers the intake of cigarette smoking the risk of pancreatic cancer drops close to normal making this factor a preventable cause or factor of pancreatic cancer risk.

Obesity: Women are at higher risk of pancreatic cancer due to obesity. You might be more likely to get pancreatic cancer if you are obese. Being obese significantly increases the risk of cancer.

Diabetes: Long-term condition of diabetes also increases the risk of cancer.  People with diabetes have increased risk, moreover, the sudden onset of diabetes is one of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer especially Type 2 diabetes.

Chronic pancreatitis: A permanent inflammation of the pancreas is known as pancreatic cancer. It has been associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. This is thought to be due to the repeated cycles of damage and healing that occur during chronic pancreatitis, as well as the release of substances that cause inflammation. It’s important to note that not only is pancreatitis a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, but pancreatic cancer can also cause pancreatitis if it blocks the pancreatic duct.

The risk of pancreatic cancer is significantly increased when smoking, long-standing diabetes, and a poor diet are combined, compared to any of these factors alone.

As pancreatic cancer advances, it can lead to complications such as the spread of cancer cells to nearby blood vessels, lymph nodes, and eventually to other parts of the body such as the liver, lining of the abdominal cavity, and lungs. The majority of cases of pancreatic cancer are diagnosed when cancer has already spread beyond the pancreas.

Breast Cancer Specialist

MS (NMC Regd.2902)

Dr.Kapendra Shekhar Amatya

Head of the Department, Sr.Consultant Surgical Oncologist at Nepal Cancer Hospital and Research Center

Director: Breast Cancer Program

Interest: Breast Cancer Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Cancer Surgery (Stomach and Colo-Rectal Cancer)

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